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Richard Burr facing impeachment for insider trading


Posted 1:49 pm, 05/20/2020

Panky these posters are from gowilkes not goashe. Its confusing when the gestapo shares a thread on both sites specifically for you.


Posted 1:45 pm, 05/20/2020

You've got it right Stringbean and you too Rosestar, I know there are a few people on this site that are familiar with this country's history, so how about taking a leaf out turn of the century San Francisco's book?


Posted 5:08 am, 05/20/2020

We send these people to Washington where they get a salary and benefits most of us will never come close to having. This should be a humbling experience but instead, they feel as though they have been placed on a throne to look down on the rest of us instead of them being OUR servants as originally intended.

This is what the 2A is all about and very soon I'm afraid, that will be taken away.
IMHO, what we need is to have a few public lynchings of these people as would have happened at the beginning of this great country. Perhaps that would remind them who the boss really is.


Posted 8:29 pm, 05/09/2020

We argue among ourselves while both sides laugh at us and find new ways to betray us. Soon it will be time to employ the 2nd Amendment for it's intended use. If we don't, we will all be history.


Posted 7:35 pm, 05/09/2020

You mean.corrupt Trump family


Posted 5:51 pm, 05/09/2020

Oh and let's not forget the whole corrupt Biden family


Posted 4:11 pm, 05/09/2020

Good time to bring back public hanging 😃😃😃


Posted 4:11 pm, 05/09/2020

The list was incorrect. I've already proven one false. Would you like more?


Posted 4:05 pm, 05/09/2020

The task of naming a dozen crooked democrats was completed and now the leftist schlitz are not satisfied and demand another gimmydat sammich.


Posted 3:42 pm, 05/09/2020

Yeah, probably.

The Senate generally takes care of its own.

sparkling water

Posted 3:29 pm, 05/09/2020

I'm thinking Burr will complete his term, retire and enjoy his life

and be replaced by a Republican.


Posted 3:05 pm, 05/09/2020

See? Talking point.


An old one, actually. But try again.


Posted 3:01 pm, 05/09/2020

AOC broke campaign finance laws. Paid her boyfriend several hundred thousand for "consulting"


Posted 2:46 pm, 05/09/2020

The funniest thing is he could've named someone like Rob Blagojevich. Yeah, that guy was/is corrupt.

But he went straight to the talking points without rhyme or reason.


Posted 2:41 pm, 05/09/2020

That's one of the big problems in the US today, 59ford. You really have no idea what's going on, you just think that if someone is a Democrat then they're corrupt. And if they're Republican... well, that corruption is just fine.

You named 12 Democrats, but can't name anything they've done that's actually corrupt.

Don't believe everything you think.


Posted 2:37 pm, 05/09/2020

Okay. What has AOC done?


Posted 2:36 pm, 05/09/2020

Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Waters, Schumer, AOC, Omar, Pressley, Feinstein, Obama, both Clintons. There ya go, 12 just off the top of my head


Posted 2:18 pm, 05/09/2020

Okay. Name 12.


Posted 2:17 pm, 05/09/2020

For every crooked Republican there's at least a dozen crooked Democrats

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