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Legitimate questions about schools reopening


Posted 5:08 pm, 07/20/2020

Beggar, like ford asked you show me where I said Obammie forced Ashe county to put school yard barneys at all the schools. You have done nothing but troll every response on this thread today and I think congratulations are in order. btw Conrad has your number.


Posted 2:56 pm, 07/20/2020

Apparently, SROs have been around since the '50s in certain places.

How old are you?


Posted 2:41 pm, 07/20/2020

I said all of that originally when everyone was saying we have to have SROs in every school. I told y'all everyone of those points.


Posted 2:03 pm, 07/20/2020

I understand them being in some schools. With the lack of tail busting, I can see the need in some schools.

It's the opposite. Most of the shooters were abused at home, were regularly bullied, and had psychological problems:

I'm just wondering how these schools that are banning law enforcement from their campuses are going to handle the next brat that goes on a shooting spree.

Statistically, they're doing more harm than good. Since the inception of SROs there has been no change in the number of school shootings, and there is no evidence that armed guards reduce school shootings or violence:

So you have a large expense with little or no oversight, and instead of deterring shooters we've found that from January 2016 to September 2018 they "pepper sprayed students at least 32 times and body slammed, tackled, or choked students at least 15 times."

Not to mention the sexual abuse by SROs:

Aside from that, all it really accomplishes is making the children feel like criminals... which makes them act more like criminals.


Posted 2:01 pm, 07/20/2020

Okay. So it sounds like you're kinda pro-SRO.


Posted 1:52 pm, 07/20/2020

I understand them being in some schools. With the lack of tail busting, I can see the need in some schools. I'm just wondering how these schools that are banning law enforcement from their campuses are going to handle the next brat that goes on a shooting spree. It will happen and these schools are painting a big target on their students backs. I also find if funny that the a lot of the ones calling for the bans are high crime areas already. Are they willing to take responsibility when someone is killed or injured in a shooting incident? I doubt it. They will do their TV interviews blaming law enforcement response time and of course the guns. They won't take any blame or place any blame on the brat that does the shooting.


Posted 1:27 pm, 07/20/2020

You have to forgive Dog he's from the blame it all on the n.....s school of thought.


Posted 1:26 pm, 07/20/2020

So you aren't?


Posted 1:24 pm, 07/20/2020

Show me where I was pro SRO? I just asked about the reasons behind them to start with.


Posted 1:22 pm, 07/20/2020

Obama forced Ashe County to get SROs?

You're not a source. You're not even coherent.


Posted 1:18 pm, 07/20/2020

The Ashe county school yard barneys was a knee jerk reaction because of a school shooting and a crying out by liberals for school yard barneys at every school. Ashe caved in and Obammie was president.


Posted 11:16 am, 07/20/2020

Uh, oh. You didn't read the article. Whoops! Turns out Henry was correct.


Posted 11:13 am, 07/20/2020

Thanks shadow, like I said, we already have background checks.


Posted 11:13 am, 07/20/2020

I have not heard anyone of any political persuasion state that there are no background checks and neither have you. It's just that they are totally inadequate.


Posted 11:11 am, 07/20/2020

Ford is a conservative calling for SROs.

Rebuttal, NeuteredPuppy?


Posted 11:09 am, 07/20/2020

Wasn't the main reason for SRO's at schools because kids that had never had the tails busted shot a bunch of classmates? When they take them out and defund the police, how are they going to handle the next shooting by some brat at school? Is the guidance counselor going to come try to hold their hand and sing kumbya? Or is some teacher going to hit them over the head with a laptop? Will they call a social worker? How about calling the custodian or a cafeteria worker? Just don't call 911 because you didn't want funding for cops. I wish they could make a "Do not respond list" for all those that support defunding the police.


Posted 11:08 am, 07/20/2020

aFicIoNadoS (view profile)
Posted 10:46 am, 07/20/2020
This fallacy that there are no background checks is another lie told by the left.



Posted 11:07 am, 07/20/2020

The great chump wants to arm the teachers. If what our right wing Chumpoids have been saying about teachers is true that could be a major disaster.


Posted 11:03 am, 07/20/2020

Bestill (view profile)

Posted 11:00 am, 07/20/2020

Distance Learning can be a good thing. Just because we do not know how to work it now does not mean that we cannot get good at it!

We are building the airplane as we fly it.


Posted 11:00 am, 07/20/2020

Posted 10:27 am, 07/20/2020
You liberals demanded them.

Really? I know Drumpf called for them at every school. What's your source?

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