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Gov. Cooper, staying in phase 2 for 5 more weeks


Posted 9:16 am, 08/06/2020

Yes and at one people we believed the Earth was flat but we learned.

But what does that have to do with yet another Trumpism?


Posted 9:15 am, 08/06/2020

my friend was in lockdown with his family for 2 months.

His wife asked , " can you tell how much weight I have gained since the lockdown?"

He thoughtlessly replied, " Well, you were never really skinny before, so no."

His cause of death was listed as Covid


Posted 9:14 am, 08/06/2020

Following the advice of professionals?!? LoL.

Keep drinking that swill.


Posted 8:39 am, 08/06/2020

At the time Fauci and others were saying it's a mild flu and 14 days was everything. He was following the advice of the "professionals". Fauci testified to that to Congress.


Posted 8:31 am, 08/06/2020

OMG, you may want to fact check that China ban.


Trump's order did not fully "close" the U.S. off to China, as he asserts. It temporarily barred entry by foreign nationals who had traveled in China within the previous 14 days, with exceptions for the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Americans returning from China were allowed back after screening at select ports of entry and for 14 days afterward. But U.S. scientists say screenings can miss people who don't yet show symptoms of COVID-19; while symptoms often appear within five or six days of exposure, the incubation period is 14 days.


Posted 8:19 am, 08/06/2020

Also the death toll from covid is so skewed no one will ever know the true toll and that's sad. If a person died in a car accident and tested positive for covid postmortem then the cause of death is listed as covid. If someone visits the ER with a broken leg and they test positive it's listed a covid hospitalization. If the same was done for the common cold those numbers would be thru the roof. Common cold deaths would be in the several hundred thousands a year.


Posted 8:12 am, 08/06/2020

10 days after ther "first" case of covid was found in the USA Trump stopped travel from China. He was called a racist and xenophobe. Pelosi and de Blasio told people to go to Chinese new year festivals and ride the subway. Cuomo put covid patients in nursing homes. Trump sent naval hospital shots to help with overflow. Trump stopped travel from Europe only to be called names again. Trump commissioned car manufacturers to make ventilators. Trump was being called a dictator for saying states should do things then was called weak when he let governors run their states.

And that crap about jobs being created under Obama? The articles posted are as good as the ink they were printed with.


Posted 8:02 am, 08/06/2020

The only science ghost cooper has considered in dealing with the virus is political science.


Posted 7:58 am, 08/06/2020

And real leaders....lead. They don't worry about what the other side of the aisle thinks in a national emergency.


Posted 7:57 am, 08/06/2020

From the article you cited,
"There seems to be some ambiguity in the Executive Order,"

As for Applebee's and Dooley's, both are restaurants and under Cooper's EO restaurants could open with reduced capacity. I know for a fact that the Wilkesboro FD went to every restaurant in town and issued new occupancy permits in compliance with the EO.


Posted 7:49 am, 08/06/2020

No you can't manufacture testing centers.....but you could make places like Lab Corp focus on Covid-19 testing through the defense powers act. ****...how many 23 and me or ancestry.com BS centers could've been converted.

And don't get confused leftist aren't about "states rights". That's you right wing bozos.


Posted 2:57 am, 08/06/2020

Wow, thatdoorguy, you're all over the place! Let me see if I can help...

Look at the numbers it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out we've had the lowest unemployment numbers in all race and ethnic groups.

Technically true, but numbers for all races and ethnic groups have been falling since 2010, "and their declines don't appear to have picked up speed. This implies that there's nothing specific that Trump did to change this rate."

Further, job growth is down in comparison to what he inherited:

He's put pressure on China and Europe where every other president has bent over backwards to kiss their ***es.

I'm not sure what value you think that a trade war with China had, but it's entirely self serving. He's our first President in history to be in debt to a foreign country, and he personally owes $211 million to China:

I would bet pennies to dollars that he's hoping that China will forgive his loan in exchange for loosening restrictions on Chinese companies.

He's been tough on foreign policy and brought back manufacturers from overseas

Not exactly. It's true that some jobs have come back, but again, that began in the Obama administration and hasn't increased:

The stock market's the best it's ever been. But yeah let's don't give Trump credit for any of that.

Because the stock market has been rising since 2010, too. And based on the NPR article above, the global economy has been improving, so our stock market has risen, too. Again, it has nothing to do with Trump.

But for Biden is a vote for his vice president candidate because there's no way he will serve the first term

In what way? Biden is only 3 years older than Trump, but is in excellent physical health in comparison. Trump is morbidly obese and believes that exercise is actually bad for you, and he struggles to walk down ramps or lift a glass of water... while Biden can easily run down the street:

If all of you Democrats are so confident of your candidate then why are you afraid for him to go one-on-one with Trump in a debate?

Whaaa? Biden has already signed on for the debates, and is waiting for Trump:

"Joe Biden said in June that he looks forward to debating Donald Trump on the dates and in the locations chosen by the Presidential Commission on Debates. We are still waiting for Donald Trump to agree to as much," Andrew Bates, Biden's rapid response director, said in a statement.

Defund the police over the actions of a few corrupt cops is insanity.

Because you have no idea what they're talking about. The "defund the police" movement is about:

We need a strong leader for our country or we will be nothing.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but... hasn't Trump and the GOP been in charge for the last 3 years? Can you honestly say that things are better now?

What any of that has to do with Gov. Cooper's order, though? I have no idea. Maybe you should start new threads about some of these random thoughts, and I'll be happy to chat with you about them.


Posted 2:01 am, 08/06/2020

That's not what the police said, both towns police Chief's and the Sheriff said that after consulting with their respective legal advisors it was determined that Cooper's EO was essentially unenforceable as there were many loopholes in it.

I was referring to this:

After that, pretty much everyone opened and no one cared.

Gyms opened back up, and all you have to do is SAY that a doctor recommended it... like you said, they can't double check it, so they don't care. And why would they?

Bars opened back up, too, but I don't know what their loophole is. I've seen people spilling out the door at Applebees at midnight, though, and I have been told that Dooley's is packed, too.


Posted 9:28 pm, 08/05/2020

Thanks Fins. I couldn't seem to say that with out having more * than words.

Random Idiot

Posted 9:18 pm, 08/05/2020

I make more sitting at home that I do working.


Posted 9:10 pm, 08/05/2020

You can't manufacture testing centers. And as for tests, the whole time the media was claiming there was a shortage, labs were so far behind, more tests would have been pointless. Manufacturers like Ford and others jumped in and started filling needs for products pretty quickly. As for governors, that's how our system was created, as a union of states. Idaho doesn't have the same needs as California. The left would have **** theirselves and called Trump a dictator if he had tried to shut down businesses across the nation.


Posted 9:00 pm, 08/05/2020

I agree with Gov. Cooper this time. In my personal opinion. I would revert back to phase 1. If not another shelter in place order. For a period of 4 weeks. It may seem as an experiment. But,we gotta exhaust every option.
Including vaccinations that are not mandatory. As the small pox was? I 100% shall be getting the vaccine. I also have accepted the hard truth. Life in America will never be the same.


Posted 8:54 pm, 08/05/2020

Is that seriously a question? Look at the numbers it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out we've had the lowest unemployment numbers in all race and ethnic groups. He's put pressure on China and Europe where every other president has bent over backwards to kiss their ***es. He's been tough on foreign policy and brought back manufacturers from overseas so I don't know where you're getting your numbers from but you simply cannot argue with the math. I guess everybody wants to think that Obama created these opportunities and he's riding on his coattails. I seriously don't think most people in Wilkes County want jobs so that was my whole point. But I can understand all the people on disability and government assistance loving Biden he's got their best interests at heart. The stock market's the best it's ever been. But yeah let's don't give Trump credit for any of that. Most of you guys would cut your nose off to spite your face if you support Biden. The man is incapable of even putting a complete sentence together much less debate Trump so it will be an interesting election. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves if he wins by hiding his basement. I've got family members that are Democrat and although I don't understand them everyone has their own choices to make. But for Biden is a vote for his vice president candidate because there's no way he will serve the first term and and selecting someone based on their gender or color is quite honestly a travesty of Justice. The only reason he's doing that is he's desperate for votes and sadly he will probably win because he appeals to those certain groups. Seems a little discriminatory to me but obviously it's going to work for him. If all of you Democrats are so confident of your candidate then why are you afraid for him to go one-on-one with Trump in a debate? It's a simple question but I don't really expect anyone to answer that. We've all watched Democratic states tear themselves apart and burn themselves down in the name of social justice and that is exactly what you can expect to happen to all of us if Biden wins. Defund the police over the actions of a few corrupt cops is insanity. We need a strong leader for our country or we will be nothing. The Chinese would absolutely love that and Biden loves the Chinese. They hate Trump because he's been tough on them. We live in the greatest nation on Earth but all of that is in Jeopardy I'm afraid. God Bless America! May the best man win. Can't wait for November.


Posted 8:52 pm, 08/05/2020

When Brands in Wilkes said they were going to open anyway, and the police said they didn't care, pretty much everyone else opened up, too.

That's not what the police said, both towns police Chief's and the Sheriff said that after consulting with their respective legal advisors it was determined that Cooper's EO was essentially unenforceable as there were many loopholes in it. It's like gyms are still closed, however a gym can open to its members only if that member has had a Dr. attest that their physical exercise is medically needed, the gym can't ask what the medical necessity is and can't require the member to show proof such as a Dr's note or order.


Posted 8:46 pm, 08/05/2020

Oh Cahaja you've sure got that right.

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