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Gov. Cooper, staying in phase 2 for 5 more weeks


Posted 8:01 am, 08/07/2020

That is a leftist schlitZ lie as that group was part of a restructuring at the NSC and those duties were consolidated, redefined but never eliminated.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 8:00 am, 08/07/2020

The pandemic response team was not disbanded. The duties were given to another agency to make the response more efficient.

Try again scumbag


Posted 7:45 am, 08/07/2020

Oh, I'll do better than that.

First, the orange nitwit shouldn't have disbanded our pandemic response team. That's number one.

How many more do you want?


Posted 7:09 am, 08/07/2020

160,000 and rising will not be thanking him.

And since we have one of the worse outcomes in the entire world - despite the relative luxury of (wasted) preparation time - the only time we'll be thanking him is when his fat @$$ is hauled out of the White House, you partisan lemur.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 7:00 am, 08/07/2020

Trump is the only politician with the proper response. He has expedited and reduced unnecessary regulations to get the COVID-19 vaccine developed quickly. In other words he has been able to get the government out of the way.

You all will thank him one day


Posted 6:50 am, 08/07/2020

I'm voting Forest.
Hey Alexa...play funky town.


Posted 6:33 am, 08/07/2020

Well, the problem with that is pretty much every governor has followed Cooper's lead in the south.

So if you're saying both political parties on the state level actually want to help Biden and get rid of Drumpf...actually, you may be on to something.


Posted 5:52 am, 08/07/2020

Gov pooper is an . It's an election year....I must do something. To help paw paw biden...sniffus maximus.
Trying to make the place fun jas...good grief dude.


Posted 4:32 am, 08/07/2020

He must keep someone safe. Like cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Posted 10:08 pm, 08/06/2020

Paying attention to the pooter models is about as tsupid as paying attention to the political polls.


Posted 7:03 pm, 08/06/2020

Well, HIAM, I'd be interested to hear what you think a better alternative would have been. What did GOP Governors do that was more effective?

Homegrrl, pay no attention to WTF, he's just a troll and probably a child. The only surprise is that a few intelligent people took the bait.


Posted 6:24 pm, 08/06/2020

Go try, Manboob. Man up.

Or are you a coward?

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 6:08 pm, 08/06/2020

I suggest we tar and feather Cooper. So many small businesses will not survive thanks to Cooper.


Posted 6:01 pm, 08/06/2020

That may be but antithesis specifically mentioned Brand's Jewelry Store, I don't think you'll see the ALE up there enforcing the EO, those types of retail stores and other businesses is what I was talking about.


Posted 5:54 pm, 08/06/2020

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 5:14 pm, 08/06/2020


Posted 4:50 pm, 08/06/2020

, notice at no time is a N.C. state law enforcement agency enforcing the EO, that burden is always put on the local agencies.

Wrong ALE is shutting down bars and restaurants that switch over to bars late at night.

leo(law enforcement officer)

Posted 4:55 pm, 08/06/2020

When Gov. Cooper issued his first Executive Order prohibiting in person religious services a friend of mine who is an elected Sheriff contacted the Governor's officer and the Attorney General's office for some clarification, both offices told him to use HIS best judgement, that's not providing clarity, that's passing the buck.


Posted 4:50 pm, 08/06/2020

I think Cooper intentionally wrote his EO with loopholes in it, that way if a property owner sued over enforcement Cooper could throw the blame onto the backs of the local agency and say they misinterpreted the EO, notice at no time is a N.C. state law enforcement agency enforcing the EO, that burden is always put on the local agencies.


Posted 4:30 pm, 08/06/2020

This is just sad. This whole chest-pumping, violence is coming soon, cleaning my guns & gettin' ready - sorry a** thread makes me sad and worried.

It doesn't have to be this way folks. When did we become so hardened in our beliefs that there is no possibility for compromise on either side? Even to the point of violence, war and death? We already had a bloody, horrible civil war and that's it - we should be/must be United. Most people in the country are sane enough to know that another internal war - amid an unprecedented economic collapse and a ravaging pandemic - is ridiculous and destructive.

Our (or at least my late baby boomer-early gen-X) generation has been extremely fortunate. Let's be mindful for a minute and remember that: we were born into the world's richest country post WW2 when the economy was booming, we've had extraordinary opportunities both educationally and economically in our lifetimes, we've enjoyed a mostly peaceful world and we have individual freedoms to control our own destiny that are unknown in a big chunk of the world. And there are so many other things that we should be grateful for as Americans - but I am starting to feel like we've taken these sacred rights of self-determination for granted.

I'm meditating on our connections rather than our differences - right now (this week & next - 8 hours/daily).

Big picture - We are a global community now, MAGA or not. We're all human beings and we're all going to have to pull together to survive the many challenges we are facing whether it be the pandemic or climate change. These are going to be some trying times ahead and I just hope that we can all find some compassion and empathy for the other side and some quiet time to ourselves to think and breathe.

Btw, Vipassana meditation is what I do, It's basically a mindfulness practice that can easily accompany/co-exist with your current religious affiliations. I recommend it for all during these hard times that require clear, rational thinking along with metta (loving-kindness) for so many of our fellow humans who are suffering so much.

Here's the link for more information: https://www.dharma.org/

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