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16 incidents (so far) of voter interference, intimidation, or harassment in NC


Posted 6:38 pm, 11/08/2022

Look back at some of the things that springy/1048/time for reason/ acuman has said about Hispanics on this site in the past, Ask Chendo if he thinks the democrat darling spokesperson of GW is racist.


Posted 6:29 pm, 11/08/2022

All I know is those that feel like the democrats aren't racist or spiteful is living their dream land. My good friend that owns a business and has been called a Uncle Tom which is a racist as anything will tell you, we all bleed red we all live the only thing that makes us different is our skin color. It's a shame my grandpa doesn't see that as a democrat and it's a shame he didn't realize we had a decent president with Obama. He let his southern democrat ignorance get in the way so there's nothing writing itself.


Posted 6:12 pm, 11/08/2022

Look at who go lame new name? I mean you could post under your original screen name or not but honestly do you think democrats aren't racist and only republicans are ?

Mind you I'm good friends with a Democrat who happens to own a well respected business in north wilkesboro that's of color.


Posted 6:08 pm, 11/08/2022

The **** just writes itself for y'all.


Posted 6:06 pm, 11/08/2022

Look at them go!


Posted 5:34 pm, 11/08/2022

Oh it's so 168, Rose sounds like my grandpa racist and all.


Posted 5:30 pm, 11/08/2022

Not one of the articles mentioned the party affiliation of any wrong doer


Posted 5:00 pm, 11/08/2022

Say it aint so 1977! the man of many screen names claims all those folks left the democrat party


Posted 4:55 pm, 11/08/2022

Hmmmm lame way new screen name. I will tell my grandpa who is a very strong headed democrat and is all about democrats being in office yet he didn't vote for Obama because he's black, that he's really a Republican. Wow hmmmmm interesting you feel that way.


Posted 4:43 pm, 11/08/2022

Didn't think so.


Posted 4:42 pm, 11/08/2022

ROFLMAO what a load of horse shart!


Posted 4:40 pm, 11/08/2022

What a couple dnmb asks, you can point to where that was said and I'll address that. Your mistake was correctly pointing out Southern Democrats did intimidate and cause fear to those they didn't want to vote, you know the ones who were in power and winning elections at that time. Foxnose's statement basically said only the losers would do that.

Glad y'all two got so called out on your BS you resort to either putting words in someone's mouth or the patented ole right wing boomer deflection.


Posted 4:32 pm, 11/08/2022

Its magical isn't it the way the left claims all the racist dems switched parties?,


Posted 4:27 pm, 11/08/2022


Posted 4:09 pm, 11/08/2022

Follow up, glad you're admitting Jan 6. losers, were the losers trying to intimidate and bring fear.
My oh my, your irony is so ripe.

Lamont have you noticed how little impact Jan 6th has had on anything? No one but you , Lez Chinnie, and a few other empty heads even keep repeating it. It did not work, get over it. It went away with the Russian Collusion Hoax.


Posted 4:24 pm, 11/08/2022

You mean some Democrats dropped their registration because of Pres Obama? What a fickle bunch


Posted 4:20 pm, 11/08/2022

No some of them like Robert Byrd were major influences in the democratic party for years up to the turn of the century,


Posted 4:15 pm, 11/08/2022

But thanks for the qualifier of "southern."


Posted 4:14 pm, 11/08/2022

Are they the same ones who were dixiecrats then republicans after civil rights? And are they the same ones who held on democrat voter registration til Obama got elected then the last of them dropped off because a black man got elected?

It will forever be a flawed "argument" from you.


Posted 4:10 pm, 11/08/2022

LamewayWest (view profile)

Posted 4:07 pm, 11/08/2022

Foxnose, is that why white dudes fought hard against women and minorities voting?
Might want to pop a history book open at some point, your blissful beliefs are showing again.

History shows most of them white dudes were southern democrats


Posted 4:09 pm, 11/08/2022

Follow up, glad you're admitting Jan 6. losers, were the losers trying to intimidate and bring fear.

My oh my, your irony is so ripe.

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