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Youth Football


Posted 3:41 pm, 02/17/2012

EWcards....These men know what they are talking about. They are not and never have been in the business of attacking someone. They simply want to pull out of the Sertoma club and have a club that will benefit our children and not Mr. Collins. You can say all you want but the truth is "something" is going on... I am a mother of boys that participate in football. It makes me angry to know that the money is not going for our boys. I am also angry knowing that the equipment was not in the "good" condition. It should upset every parent out there.

Futhermore, EWcards, these men you are referring to are just standing up for what is right. They have our children's best interest in their hearts.

jeff collins

Posted 2:26 pm, 02/17/2012

again another idiot hiding behind a fake name. there is no insurance war between anyone. i was ask by the sports club back in Augiust to check on the insurance for the kids and the coaches. i did what was ask of me. the binders for liability are fraudulent plain and simple. the company i represent does not cover this type of risk so mr whoever you are i have nothing to gain from this. get me a copy of the real policies since you know so much and let me get them varified. until then go hide behind your fake name and feel important to yourself. Sincerely Jeff Collins


Posted 11:45 am, 02/17/2012

How is it an insurance war between two guys when they work in two different areas? Has nothing to do with that. SBI was called in to dispute where the thousands upon thousands of dollars have went over the past several years. If youre familiar with the 990 like you say you are, then you should understand EW.


Posted 11:37 am, 02/17/2012

I'm not Eddie just a by standard that just so happens to have herd what has been going on. What this is if you are to think about it is an insurance war with Jeff Collins using Kevin Spurling as a tool to do all his dirty work for him. No need to tell me about that 990 tax form already know about. Is Football realy worth calling a DA to do an sbi investigation into somebody?


Posted 11:10 am, 02/17/2012

Hmmmm....isnt that funny. When the proof gets slapped up on the board here all the naysayers disappear. Explain that one.


Posted 10:51 pm, 02/16/2012


Here is the tax papers presented on the video. Click the link above and enter 23-7049305 for the ein. Look at the dollar amounts and make your own decision. There were 11 schools in the league with three teams each, some more some less. Figure $3 per adult/ $1 per child through the gate at each school then times the number of games per week to get an idea of how much per week. Times that by 8 for the weeks of the season and compare that to what was reported to the IRS. Can't know about the insurance since nobody has EVER been presented a policy after we paid for it from each organization, but if you lie about one thing why be truthful about the other. The proof of the equipment is in your hands, either you have worn out junk that is not up to par or your have bought it yourselves. We all know how inconsistent the rules have been, depends on which county you are from.


Posted 10:40 pm, 02/16/2012

Ok, well I guess that answers that.

Carry on.


Posted 10:36 pm, 02/16/2012

Unless I've been mislead, the IRS has been contacted.


Posted 10:27 pm, 02/16/2012

I've heard this stuff rumored for two to three years. Also peole have stated the comments have been handed out by Admins to '"Leave it alone, Done start any trouble"

Question: Why does someone that has knowledge of the situation contact the IRS and let them handle it. ???


Posted 10:09 pm, 02/16/2012

I don't know who thinks these guys are lying and why they would benefit from it. They have found proof that money is missing, documents have been forged, and our kids have been put in danger because of the greed of a few. If you members of the Sertoma Club are so clean, come forward with some documentation to prove it. We are all waiting. You are a non profit organization and as such you are required by law to make public your records. I call into question the motives of anyone who defends what most certainly has become a very corrupt organization. And no the money is not Sertoma's to do with as they please. It is the money that is supposed to be raised to give kids a safe environment to learn the great game of football. Sertoma entered into a contract with each school system to provide equipment, insurance, and guidance for the league members. This is not being done and I myself would love to see what a full audit of the financials would uncover.


Posted 9:58 pm, 02/16/2012

EWCARDS4LIFE-it is our business and yours. Sertoma is a non-profit organization- any and all documents that pertain to their organization are open to the public. They must file a tax form yearly called a 990. Look it up online, find the federal ein number and look at the numbers they show. Then look at the fields that we the tax payers own and all the expense that comes with hosting games on the county fields for power, water, maintenance, etc. Then tell us its none of our business. All the people that show up at these games equal less than $10,000 per year. Please 'Im from wilkes but I'm not that stupid. All that money was said to go back to the program, but in truth it didn't even show up on the tax forms. What about the insurance in question? Looks like the counties involved have been left vulnerable for a lawsuit without liability insurance and guess who that would involve, again me and you the tax payers. Why let a couple run this thing with no accountability. They didn't in past and won't in the future. Supposedly the guys from Yadkin were told in August things would be different in 2011, but now you know it didn't change. Looks like they are getting it changed for the good of us all. Thanks Jeff C. and Kevin S. for doing something the rest didn't have the guts to do.


Posted 9:50 pm, 02/16/2012

Just for the record I want to say I have no personal axe to grind with anyone! However I was one of the many coaches who feel that things have been ignored long enough. Even many of the coaches in the other counties feel the same but have been silenced by administrators. The problem is that the coaches are the ones who really know how things have been going for the last several years, yet no one bothered to ask them. See the local club should have never paid for any equipment because there is plenty of paying fans in the stands if you haven't noticed. The money at the gates is taken up for the equipment for kids! So for anyone to say they don't care what Yadkin Sertoma does with it is a slanted view of right and wrong. Its the kids money!! It should be spent only on kids! Listen if I am wrong I will publicly apologize as well as personally! What I will not do is just sit by and say whatever will be, will be. I also will not hide behind a computer name. People need to stand up for right when things seem to be wrong.
See, had things been going well no one would be talking about football right now we would be talking about wrestling, (congratulations West) and basketball. We are just asking for transparency and accountability for the kids sake.
Kevin Spurlin
Kids First


Posted 6:50 pm, 02/16/2012

Way to go Jeff C. Your exactly right you have proven all that you have documents for if someone would like to show documents to prove differently then let them step forward. I think several of us would like to see some type of documents that says that our children were not taken advantage of over the years. I doubt that paper work is out there but maybe it is. I just hope you guys don't stop with just Charles if he in fact is guilty of any wrong doing's. Go after every last one of them including the people in Wilkes that are forbidding our youth coaches from talking to you guys about the new league. They must be trying to cover it up or they are involved some how. There is a certain school board member that has been very vocal about this whole situation from what I have been told.

Good Job Kevin, Tracy, Jeff.

Jeff Collins

Posted 5:35 pm, 02/16/2012

first time posting on here about this issue but, since i have been accussed of lying thought i would say what i have to say not hiding behind a fake name. Thomas Jefferson said " I fear not the truth" neither do I. i want get on here and claim to be or have been a perfect person in my life. I have ask for forgiveness for my mistakes. I stand firm on what i have stated publicly concerning the football program. i have documentation to back it up so until you can prove me wrong quit making a idiot out of yourself. to call a man a liar behind a fake name says enough about you. i will continue to stand up for what is right for the children and for the coaches no matter what. if i am proven wrong with documentation i will be the first to apologize here and personally to anyone else involved. again please understand this without any doubt, until i am proven wrong i will not stop fighting for what is right and know all proper authorities have the documents. sincerely Jeff Collins of hamptonville nc


Posted 3:30 pm, 02/16/2012

Lets hope there not!


Posted 3:25 pm, 02/16/2012

so sloanvalve are you a member of the club? and you,re saying yadkinville sertoma is or may not be in the football business anymore..after next thursday


Posted 3:24 pm, 02/16/2012

Sounds like plan, what time do we need to be there?


Posted 3:16 pm, 02/16/2012

AHHHH Yeahhhh!!!! Which steakhouse? Im sure there'd be more people interested in sitting near that table for lunch!


Posted 3:14 pm, 02/16/2012

sertoma club meets on thursdays at steakhouse in y-ville for lunch, usually just lunch, but this next one some questions will be answered with not just a simple answer like in the past!


Posted 3:11 pm, 02/16/2012

I love the fact we all hide behind a keyboard. Andy

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