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Youth Football


Posted 2:37 pm, 03/08/2012

i hear the yadkin board of ed have said the yadkin co schools can do as they want. They won't tell the new league that they can't use the fields, because the tax payers own the school property. So middle school and what was sertoma is gone from there. guess wilkes will use the same old 10 year old euquipment while wilkes board of ed and super set back and side with this wrong doing. its a shame that nobody in power in wilkes will stand up against wrong doing and for what is right. And we wonder what is happening to the younger generations. They are mimicing what they see us do! We need to remember all this crap at election time


Posted 11:43 am, 03/08/2012

The Wilkes 7th & 8th grade Yellow Jackets team will be using the new Zenith helmet entirely this season. This is the best helmet on the market for this age level.


Posted 9:35 am, 03/08/2012

It has already been decided by Dr. Laws (oops - Hemric) that wilkes will stay in this shady group so shut up and play ball sheep.


Posted 12:34 am, 03/08/2012

REALLY? I mean I just read this article and watched the Alleghany meeting. How could anyone think that staying with Sertoma would be a good thing?? Mr. Collins says, about the money in a paper bag, that they will now get a reciept for it?!!? Really, no one thinks that is sooo shady? These people standing behind Sertoma need to sit back and just do the math. One day of football at any school will take in more than he said Sertoma made all year. As far as equipment I know my son was issued a helmet that was 10 years old, which he did not wear, and when we checked other helmets it was the same problem. So his equipment expenses are virtually zero at our school. Let's keep the money where it belongs, at the schools for the kids, not padding someone else's wallet.


Posted 6:44 pm, 03/05/2012

The yadkin county school board will not stand in the way of something that they are not involved in. From what I have been told Yadkin County has been instructed to get out of that mess. I hope Charles can see that his future revenue will be getting smaller & smaller with each passing year. I just wish our school board was smart enough to see what is going on.


Posted 9:28 pm, 03/04/2012

dont know about the alleghany crew, but heard yadkin co has notified the club it is not playing sertoma anymore. but sertoma is meeting with the school board to get it stopped, is yadkin going to fall for that crap like wilkes co did? hope not somebody needs to stand up and make them prove what was asked of them before they give in again!


Posted 5:03 pm, 03/04/2012

whats the latest on the "new" league the guys from Alleghany were trying to start?? Not heard anything in a while!!


Posted 3:12 pm, 03/04/2012

Till he tells the club members if yadkin is in or out he dont belive the letter He an Jeff received is real, he says its just a bluff, Just a bluff my *** Sir Charles the letter you got is as real as it gets


Posted 10:37 am, 03/04/2012

What answer are you talking about? Is he getting out or going to jail?


Posted 8:09 am, 03/04/2012

2 more days till Sir Charles give us a answer I cant wait


Posted 7:47 am, 02/21/2012

Don't call the new super a Laws clone till you have the proof - oh wait there it is in the paper !!!


Posted 12:25 pm, 02/20/2012


What Equipment do you speak of ? The only thing I know of teams getting every 3 years are new Jerseys and Pants, NO helmets or any pads.

Whats more important a jersey or a kids head?


Posted 10:32 am, 02/20/2012

the newspaper article was good and ONESIDED wasn't it. Sound like it was written by the organization itself with no oppotunity for the other side to show their side. Its been this way forever, when will the wise people stand up?


Posted 11:01 pm, 02/17/2012

I see that Dr Laws lives on!!!!


Posted 10:57 pm, 02/17/2012

Oh I'm sorry EWCards 4 life ( Eddie ) do you still support Sertoma?


Posted 10:53 pm, 02/17/2012

Eddie where do you and Rudy stand now? Do you still support charles 100% or I'll bet your not touching this with a 10 foot pole. It's funny how things will fold up around people when they pratice to deceive.


Posted 9:17 pm, 02/17/2012

To those of you who think I am dirty, I would apologize but when all we are doing is asking for transparency and accountability I find it hard to do so. As we stated we did not set out to hurt anyone just to make the league better through better admistration and direction. We were asking for democracy, like a board that makes the decisions, instead sertoma saying you guys vote how it should be then we, Yadkin Sertoma will decide if we like it or not. Now for the three year rotation or even a 6 year rotation we all know it doesn't exist! If it did we as parents wouldn't have to buy kids equipment. In a new league we feel the money should stay at the local club and then club buy its own equipment as needed. District lines should be enforced period! Weight limits would be in all levels except 7&8. Now if anyone wants to know more about how things will run in a new league we will post time and place of all future meetings. Again let me say if I were to be wrong I will stand up with my name posted and apologize publicly and personally. We only want what is the best for all kids! We want the Wilkes Co. teams as well as Ashe and Elkin. We did not set out to divide just unite all the folks that have been longing for a change for the past several years. Stand up for how you feel.

Kevin Spurlin

Kids First


Posted 7:19 pm, 02/17/2012

As for the equipment Sertoma has teams on rotation to get new equipment every x amount of years how does your new league plan to provide all the equipment your teams will need?


Posted 7:05 pm, 02/17/2012

Think about this whole situation you know it is childish and this is down right dirty politics it has no buisness in football why not get in and make the sertoma league better by fixing what is wrong instead of raiseing cain and blowing it out of porportion. You can talk out anything drop what you have been doing get in sertoma and make it better. What is your stance on out of district players playing football for schools they do not attend, will there be a weight limit or no weight limit?


Posted 5:45 pm, 02/17/2012

Mom that is the best post so far. These guys were looking to help the program and get it where it should be for the kids. And as I understand it their motto is For The Kids! Good Job guys, Thanks from the kids and parents!

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