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Bob Harper


Posted 6:56 am, 03/01/2017

Now that I am old, I do not worrry. Folks tell me all the time that my diet and bad habits are dangerous, but I just keep on living eating fat and sugar. Go figure! I reckon I got mama's genes. Just this morning my breakfast was a giant box of Good and Plenty's. For lunch, I am hoping for something super greasy.


Posted 6:49 am, 03/01/2017

Health is relative. My mom lived to her late 90's and never ate vegetables. She just drowned food in lard and sugar. Go figure. I am of that old Indian thought that all humans are given a number days at birth and no matter what you do, you only have that number of days. I think there is a Bible verse about that.


Posted 6:41 am, 03/01/2017

My daddy died from genetic heart failure on his father's side at a young age. His mother buried five of her seven children before she died at 74 because of it. They just never knew. Grandpa died before I was born. Now all the grandkids watch themselves and it is weird who has the "widow makers" gene. You just don't know. I have lost cousins in their 40's.


Posted 6:06 am, 03/01/2017

Antithesis: No, you can't fight genetics; BTW, I''ll be turning 51 this September; Many Thanx for the heads-up.


Posted 1:10 am, 03/01/2017

I bet he can't keep up with that strenuous exercising on Biggest Loser and it won't be the same. This was really a shocker after watching him all these years.


Posted 10:34 pm, 02/28/2017

This might already be on here and I've missed it. Bob Harper, one of the healthiest men in America, had a heart attack at 51!!!


Heart disease apparently runs in his family, but still! I guess you just can't fight genetics

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